A fast and accurate 2-D magnetotelluric inversion code

FITE2DMT stands for FInite Triangular Elements for Two-Dimensional MagnetoTelluric. As the name suggests, it is a two-dimensional (2-D) finite element magnetotelluric (MT) inversion code that uses an unstructured mesh of triangular elements to represent the resistivity structure. The code is freely available for use as a Julia package.

What are the benefits of using unstructured meshes in MT inversion?

Using unstructured meshes in 2-D MT inversion has some great benefits. It lets you refine the mesh where the geology is complex, which means more accurate results without bogging down your computations. Plus, it’s flexible enough to handle tricky geological features like faults and varying topographies. This means the inversion can better capture the real subsurface details. On top of that, unstructured meshes help optimize your computational resources by reducing the number of elements needed, making the process more efficient and precise.

Why Julia?

Julia has a lot of upsides when it comes to MT inversion. It is super fast and handles complex calculations efficiently. Its syntax is pretty user-friendly and a lot like Python’s or MATLAB’s, but it is as speedy as C or Fortran. This makes it great for creating complicated inversion algorithms. Plus, Julia has a ton of libraries for scientific computing, including stuff for linear algebra and parallel processing, which are crucial for MT inversion. It also integrates well with other tools and libraries, making it flexible and easy to scale up the code.

What types of data are compatible with FITE2DMT?

Apparent resistivity, phase, and tipper

What functionalities are in FITE2DMT?

For more please check out the original documentation of FITE2DMT here: Diba D, Nurhasan, Uyeshima M, Usui Y (2024) Two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion using unstructured triangular mesh implemented in Julia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2734 012008. doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2734/1/012008.

Considering trying out FITE2DMT?

Cool! FITE2DMT is free and you can get it as a Julia package from my Github page. Just remember to cite the original documentation if you use it in your work—it’s a great way to give credit and support future updates.